Skate Co.

Graphic / Visual Designer
Print Designer
Videographer / P.A.
Audio Engineer
Producer / Director


My first physical skateboard drop with an accompanying magazine and behind-the-scenes video/skate edit, including some of me skating with music produced by myself! Skateboarding has always been near and dear to my heart, I always wanted to create this since I began skating over 15 years ago. Skateboarding changed my life forever, from a creative & physical practice/art form, to a safe space, to a pain in my butt, to the great friends I’ve shared this incredible bond with, and met along the way, I’ll forever be a skateboarder.

I could speak on it all day, but I wouldn’t want to bore you. It most applies to this work and me as a creative because it taught me perseverance and creative problem-solving. How to go at things at many angles as possible, to find the right solution, and do so relentlessly, but also not so hard that you hurt yourself and have to take time off the board. I did as much myself as possible but couldn’t have done it without some of those friends I just mentioned!

James, Co Photo

Jordan Kraft, Model, Skater

Joel Beckwith, Co photo

Tahmir, Model

Alethia, Model

Process / Assets / Inspiration / Prototypes