Flexcar Website
Visual Identity


The Design team at Flexcar teamed up to re-design the website. This includes all the names to the right or below depending on how you're viewing this. We had Design summits, where we would meet up to brainstorm and ideate visual design ideas as well as the content and flow of the website. I specifically worked on the multiple different header images/animations until we landed on a price comparison visual that I pioneered. I sourced, edited, and or took images on the website including but not limited to; The image of Nascar driver Ryan Ellis, Flexcar How it Works video thumbnail, and the Flextra mile blog image. I also tweaked and edited some of the icons on the website. Plus, I helped to inspire the “dashboard glow” effect, which is present on thin green lines throughout the website synonymous with futuristic, neo-retro or neo-Tokyo aesthetics.

Visual Designer
UI / UX Designer
Design Direction

Ali Eddlem, Art Director;
Ryan Linder, Video editor / Motion designer;
David Ziegler, Creative Director;
Douglas Sullivan, Copywriter;
Emma Hseih, Senior Product Designer;
Mark Alexander, Product designer manger



The focus of this project was to create a visual design system with assets and templates that can be edited and repurposed for social media. I worked with the Creative Director and Social Media Coordinator, who both gave me great starting points for our social media design system rebrand. I iterated off of their work and handed it back to the creative director. From there, I brought the templates to Canva from Illustrator with multiple templates being created for the social media coordinator and others to post without needing me the creative director, or the art director, help which in turn better leveraged our time for other projects. Below is my process work as well as other social media content.

Graphic Designer
Visual Designer
Design Direction

David Ziegler, Creative Director;
Leah Magno, Social Media coordinator

Email Marketing


I assisted the life cycle marketing manager or email marketing manager, John Bushini with Senior Product Designer, Emma Hseih, to make emails. Email modules were created in Figma to be implemented in Braze for email marketing. I took images, sourced images, edited images, tweaked and created icons, I created modules including but not limited to value propositions and banners, not to mention checked for grammatical errors and tone in the writing. Above you can see some of my contributions.

Graphic Designer
Visual Designer
Design Direction
ADA Compliancy

John Buschini, Email Manager
Emma Hseih, Senior Product Designer

The Starting Line
Blog Series


I worked with Douglas Sullivan, the copywriter from Flexcar & the creator of the Starting Line blog series to create a fun and futuristic-looking cover/header image template for the blog. This was made in Figma so that the image on the right and the logo stack to the top left can be switched out depending on what each episode is about with a desktop & mobile version.

Graphic Designer

The Drive


Graphic Designer
Audio Engineer
Production Assistant
Co Host / Co-Producer

The Drive Home Podcast is the new beacon and alternative take on cars, car tech & culture, as well as music & listener tales from the road. I worked with Douglas Sullivan, the copywriter from Flexcar& the founder & host of the pod & Ryan Linder, the Videographer/animator for Flexcar & co-host & producer, to bring The Drive Home podcast to life from branding to audio engineering and co-hosting/producing the podcast. It was an honor to be part of such an informative & alternative type of marketing content. With over 100 downloads on the latest episode & with no paid promotion & over 60% of listeners listening to the entire 40 minutes I can say we did great job.

Episode 2
Episode 3
Douglas Sullivan, Host, Producer;
Ryan Linder, Co host, Co-Producer;
David Ziegler, Co host
Ryan Ellis, Co host

2.0 Live


Co Host
Co Producer
Co Audio Engineer

Here lies an internal live talk with various members of the Flexcar crew to celebrate the launch of our new website at the time, Flexcar 2.0. In doing this, we humanized some of the dedicated workers at Flexcar for the benefit of everyone at the company. You’ll get to know a little bit about me and my ability to interview, talk freely, and team build with other co-workers, with whom I previously had no interactions. Brought to you by Ryan Lindner, Douglas Sullivan, and myself.

Douglas Sullivan, Co Host,
Ryan Linder, Co Host, Co - Audio Engineer Co-Producer;



Co Writer
Co Producer

Here lies a funny little informational commercial about how you can save with Flexcar. I was gracefully casted by the highly skilled, Leah Magno, Flexcars social media coordinator who was the creator, videographer, editor, and scriptwriter for this story. I just acted and iterated on lines. I thought this was worth putting in to showcase my coworker’s skills as well as my own acting skills and comfortability on camera.

Leah Magno, Social Media coordinator;
Anne Catherine; P.A.
John Buschini, Email manager, Actor

Tik Tok Instant Page

It’s well known at this point that TikTok is a great way for any brand to advertise for free as the algorithm and the app itself are very intuitive. Not only this but it has the youth’s attention span under its control with short-form content and the ability to “go viral”. I was tasked with creating an instant page that’s a Bridgeway or mini landing site that sits between Flexcars TikTok content & the website to try and help increase conversion rates/website clicks etc. As I do not have Tik Tok I can only show the header animation that I've done but the instant page includes an informational blurb and 4 unique links to the 4 different markets in the Flexcar inventory page.